Photo: Tina Axelsson.

Circus artist/juggler and dancer. Has worked with Claire Parsons Co. full-time since 2013.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in a small suburb of Stockholm and as a child I tried several different sports like ice hockey, soccer and skateboarding. When I was 11 years old I started to juggle with my cousin. At 15 I was a student at Cirkus Cirkör’s circus high school and after that the circus program at present day DOCH, focusing on juggling and dance acrobatics.
Some highlights from your professional life
One of my first – and a major – highlights is with the circus and dance performance Blue Collar that created by my company. We performed a record number of shows around Sweden with this show – one of the first circus shows for young audiences.
Other highlights is – ofcourse – being a part in the creation of Marmalade and presenting it at Bibu, The Performing Arts Biennal, APAP and many more international venues! It has been wondrous to tour and perform extensively nationally and internationally with highly appreciated work. To also be part of this company and its new productions as well as long-term development for Claire Parsons Co.– is an honour as well as being fun and inspiring!
Why do you want to create work for young audiences?
For me, the young audience consists of wonderful recipients of dance and circus as an art form. The immediacy in eye contact, the spontaneous reactions and genuine pleasure that we as performers experience in touching / reaching a young audience is invaluable. The opportunity to tour and perform multiple times within our networks is truly challenging and rewarding.
Foto: Tina Axelsson