Hanna Falk

Photo: Tina Axelsson.

Where do you come from?
I’m from Gothenburg so when ever I take a dive into a fairly cold sea I feel at home. I got my education from Lund and Stockholm university and have been working and living in Stockholm, Jönköping, Malmö and now Düsseldorf. 

Some highlights from your professional life?
As a producer my aim is always to facilitate what seems impossible when it comes to audience development and artistic aspirations. 

Making one of my first productions, Stockholm International Poetry Festival, earlier produced at a smaller venue we decided to deal with our own conceptions of the format for poetry on stage. Claiming the main stage of the Royal Dramatic Theatre and tripple the ticket fees was rather nerv wrecking but an absolute success. Decisions where made not because of hybris but because we believed in exploring new formats and challenge ourselves as presenters and our conception about audience.

What is your incentive in developing the field of dance and performances for young audiences?
I have such strong memories from experiencing performing arts as a child. The performances opened doors to new worlds and continues to inspire me in my work to develop new possibilities for children to experience amazing performances.


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